Sunday, January 4, 2009

And then, now for something completely.....

Every week on Channel 5 in Vance's living room. Included were bong hits. For some reason, Corbin though it was a good idea to reuse the water, so he kept it in a squeeze bottle.


  1. I found that the only reason that the bird was on the perch is that he had been Nailed ther! "Oh sure! Norwegian Blue bird. Why, if hadn't nailed him down, he would have ripped the bars open and flown away."

    "Does yor wife like photography,eh? Candid photography?"

    "On second thought, let's not go to Camelot, it is a silly place."

    'I'd like some stawberry tart without so much rat in it."

    "Someday son, ALL of this will be yours." "What, the curtains?"

  2. LOVELY plumage, the Norwegian Blue.

  3. "Tis a far, far better thing that I do now then, now then what going onward christian soilders to enhance the very meaning of life it selfish bastard I'll kick 'em in the balls upon the road." Right-o.

  4. Oh for Jesus. I was in a Suncoast Video today and bought a DVD of.......

    "Now for something completely different." My wife may kill me.

  5. Dude, I had to forcibly restrain myself from laying out $128 for the entire series on DVD after I got my Student Loan check.

    But, just so you know, Vance. I'm impressed.

    And now for something... completely different.

    When my boy, Gabe, was younger, we used to watch MP and the Holy Grail all the time. We both could repeat the entire movie, line by line.

    I remember going to see it with the crew at the drive-in over on San Mateo near Uncle Cliff's (Now an apt. complex.) The first time I saw it, though, was at Winrock and I was by myself. There was, like, me and one other person who laughed at the credits.

    I worked with a girl once who could repeat Monty Python lines, plus she was cute and NOT a dork. ("Well maybe a little." "'ow much?" "Three. Rather a lot really.") I would have married her based on that alone.

    I dated another girl who said that, despite having a degree in Geology, she couldn't be a Geologist because you had to know Monty Python. Serious.

  6. "I don't need to eat while doing my road work in training. I simply stop along the road and rub some gravel into my forehead for breakfast."


Spam and rudeness will not be tolerated. We're here to have a few grins, and if you can't abide, move along. Did I mention Spam? Because if I didn't, here it is. NO SPAM!! That includes saying you like our blog and it's thought-provoking (which we know is a lie) and here's a link to your blog. Basically, if you link post a link to a for-profit site without the express written consent of me or the Big Vance-a-rino, I'll delete your comment and you'll look like an ass or I'll mock you mercilesly for being a dork.
~Peace & Love,