Sunday, January 4, 2009

Tribute paid to this Blog so far

Mr. Top Petty has written a song in our honor:

Tom Petty Moon pie Lyrics:
Written by: Tom Petty

Well who you callin' Moon Pie, my real name is
Richard I live in a little town you've probably
never been to before There's a post office
[ Find more Lyrics at ]
surrounded with gardenias And a pair of mud flaps
waggling out my door

I don't know what I want to say next but
somebody's got to help me Nobody knows I'm here Oh
please don't call me Moon Pie, my real name is

Tracy Byrd pays homage to our humble roots in his song Lifestyles Of The Not So Rich And Famous

Yeah our idea of high class livin'
Is sittin' on the porch on a cool night
Our Champagne and Caviar
Is an RC cola and a moon pie

Even the city of Mobile, Alabama is determined to cash in on our new-found fame:
Moon Pie hailed as 'idea for the ages'

* EDITORIAL Sweet home Alabama

The city of Mobile seems determined to squeeze every bit of publicity it can out of its plan to raise a giant electronic Moon Pie to ring in the new year.


  1. "I wabbbaa haaaha baabnbada smooookkk shheeee baaanaaa. SHARON!"

    Ozzy Osbourn

    "The guys are crazy, right? Trucks, bongs and caves...good, right? Anderson Cooper, top of the hour."

    Larry King


    Garret Morris as spokesman for school of Deaf people

    " Absolutlly horrible...."
    Simon Cowel

    "Vance is o.k., but I don't like that Rick and Blane at all!"

    Martins mom
    "I like the Moonpie. Can you say Moonpie? Moonpie is a fun word to say."
    Mr. Rogers

    "I'll never put down my copy of Moonpie til they pry it from my cold, dead hands!"
    Charlton Heston

    "Moonpie made me cry."

    Boy George

  2. I would offer President elect Obama a Moonpie but I might be called a racist. Oh Lord, I really don't want to drive into Washington, DC on Monday...Aiee Sahib! (see Aiee Sahib blog for further understanding)

  3. True dat, but, I bet anything, that Obama would dig this shit. Have you seen photos of him when he was younger? And he's into comic books and he smokes cigarettes. Shizz.

    We could send him a t-shirt (the rally van one) or a coffee mug.

  4. Will the traffic be bad do you think? Is something going on?

  5. I ventured into DC the day before the whatever ceramony and the gazillion people. I had to go to Adams Morgan area to look at a job. There was aready millions of people everywhere but it was kinda cool being in the area just to feel the vibe. The neat thing was seeing the Lincoln Memorial on TV and seeing the sod that we had installed along the upper terrace of the memorial. Been there, done that!

  6. Cool.

    OK, I have to admit that I didn't see the whole Inaug thang on the TV. But the next day, I was needing to link the YouTube video of that and the Pete Seeger/Bruce Springsteen singing "This Land is Your Land," I took time to watch it and I wept like a baby.

    It was a great day to live in America... Even if I am a Canadian.

  7. Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job
    The Onion - November 5, 2008

    WASHINGTON—African-American man Barack Obama, 47, was given the least-desirable job in the entire country Tuesday when he was elected president of the United States of America. In his new high-stress, low-reward position, Obama will be charged with such tasks as completely overhauling the nation's broken-down economy, repairing the crumbling infrastructure, and generally having to please more than 300 million Americans and cater to their every whim on a daily basis. As part of his duties, the black man will have to spend four to eight years cleaning up the messes other people left behind. The job comes with such intense scrutiny and so certain a guarantee of failure that only one other person even bothered applying for it. Said scholar and activist Mark L. Denton, "It just goes to show you that, in this country, a black man still can't catch a break."

  8. Remember, the ONLY reason a person would take the job is for the memories...."best selling" memories.


Spam and rudeness will not be tolerated. We're here to have a few grins, and if you can't abide, move along. Did I mention Spam? Because if I didn't, here it is. NO SPAM!! That includes saying you like our blog and it's thought-provoking (which we know is a lie) and here's a link to your blog. Basically, if you link post a link to a for-profit site without the express written consent of me or the Big Vance-a-rino, I'll delete your comment and you'll look like an ass or I'll mock you mercilesly for being a dork.
~Peace & Love,