Saturday, January 10, 2009

LEXICON*: "Couth"

Cool. Simple. Simply good. To be used without excitement.

Usage: "That's couth."
NOTE: This word was never used in a hyperbolic fashion. (i.e., That's the most couth thing ever. Ginny has the most couthest poontang.)

*As part of an ongoing series, we, the managerial folk at the Moonpie Chronicles, present this lexicon of words and phrases used by the heterogeneous subculture whose base of activities was located just past the stairs at the east end of the Freak Wall at Eldorado High School in the mid-1970s.



    Not the actor who when asked why he had come to Casa Blanca replied, "I came for the waters". His drinking partner said, "theres no water for miles around here." Bogart simply replied, "I was mis-led."

    Anyway, Bogart...a term used to warn the others in the group not to hog the doobie. "Don't Bogart the joint." The term Bogart was used to discribe how Bogart would 'steal' any scene he was acting in, getting the most attention. Hence, if you lingered with the joint before passing it along, you were Bogarting the joint. Always remember...puff, puff,pass. Puff, puff, pass..

  2. you... did drugs!!!

    -your son

  3. Ummm... Yeah, but I never SOLD them. Except for the time Jim Jones threatened to beat me up if I didn't sell him half of my lid of pot.

  4. What would your mother think!

  5. Wait... My mother? Or Gabe's?


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~Peace & Love,