My daughter, Ryan, was at the tattoo convention in Richmond, Virginia several weeks ago and ran into pin-up artist Dave Nestler. Ta-daa, now she is the model for this sketch you see here. I'm so proud, thankfully she has clothes on.....
You can google Dave Nestler and see the rest of his works....not bad.
Vance sent me this video from his recent trip out west to visit Brother Blane. Apparently the wives had gone off shopping and, well, Blane just wondered about this big blue ball....
Me and Vance ditched Tim Burns' art class at Eldorado in the winter of '76 to hustle up some cash from unsuspecting strangers. He didn't have a real beard, so we took Vance's long golden locks and stuffed them in his mouth.
One year Blane got a job working with us. He lasted about 3 minutes -- the amount of time it took him to get on the uniform and say "I Quit".... see more Sketchy Santas
Big brother Vance, in his role as Santa, looks on in disgust. "Now I see why you don't hire your relatives" he said.
She seemed like a nice girl and was mostly armless. She had that winning smile and those coquettish eyes. And talk about a a fashion plate! Gosh! She bought all her clothes where we worked. But she was a little pigeon-toed and wore orthopedic shoes when she wore them at all. (She was a simple country girl who'd grown up in a little holler near the Hanford Nuclear Plant). Nonetheless, if she'd had a flat head we'd still be married. Well, we'd still be married if it hadn't have been for those meddling kids and their magic mushrooms!!