Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hey, Hippie. You got a watch?

I know you ain't got no watch, cuz if you did, you'd know it's nighttime, and night time ain't no time to be in this neighborhood.

Yeah, Cheech and Chong. I mean, it was the 70's after all.

Point of inauthenticity on That 70's Show: the kids never listened to Cheech and Chong.


  1. True, they did not listen to cheech and chong but Tommy Chong did play the guy who owned the PHOTO-HUT. The 70's gang did party on water towers and did have the "smoke circle".

  2. So that part was OK.

    But, Dig this, Man! Maybe they didn't listen to Cheech and Chong because if they did while Tommy Chong was in the scene, the Universe would have imploded,man. (insert Hyde-style finger jab)

  3. I think I watched every episode of That 70's show. They nailed it with the fashions and the set design. I saw so much shit that we used to have used on that set.

  4. That 70's show is fun, but Freaks and Geeks was the best show EVER!! I swear I knew every one of those people in school.

  5. I know! When I was a freshman, I looked exactly like that kid that was the main character.


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