Saturday, March 21, 2009

Rick's cars #3: The Chevy Panel Truck

Mine was a 1970 Chevy C-15 Panel Truck. It was flat-black with a peace sign spray painted on the roof. I bought it off a coworker who had converted it from an automatic to a 3-speed. In the conversion, he'd put the linkage in backwards, but since I had never really driven a standard (aside from the three-on-the-tree Impala, it didn't even faze me.

The most annoying thing about this thing was that the air-cleaner -- one of those steel mesh and oil affairs -- was missing a bolt and whenever I made a left, it tilted, sucking in too much air, and killing the engine. I had to be sure to pop the clutch quickly as I finished the turn to restart the engine.

It had about 3 feet of play on the steering wheel and, virtually, no suspension. When driving on the freeway, the entire vehicle might be at as much as a 30 degree angle to the road.

I did a bit of customizing on this puppy. I got an old-fashioned coca-cola bottle opener and mounted it on the dash. Also installed a 360 degree beverage holder -- designed for a boat, but perfect for driving on the logging roads in Washington's old growth forests. I'm thinking I actually might have a genuine photograph of me and this truck.I'll have to track it down.

On the side I got some vinyl letters and wrote out "Dr. Gonzo's Space Truckin' and Haul-Assin'." I added a phone number which was the local number for weather reports.

The truck was left by the roadside one night after I'd lent it to a friend and he ran out of gas. It got side-swiped, shearing the gasline and rendering it vaguely useless. iirc, I sold it for scrap.


  1. Right on! I ONLY wish that my truck had the panel sides instead of windows. This is too weird, I never knew you had a truck like this. I can see you and I today with trucks like this. Imagine the "Moonpie" logo across the sides. Very hip!

  2. I know! Right?!

    This was my ride while Gayle was driving the Charger in the final days.

    It's funny you should say that, about seeing us driving something like that now. See, back in the late 70's, I read this book by James D. Houston titled "A Native Son of the Golden West." The two characters in the book were surfers in Hawaii. One of them had an old beat-to-shit REO delivery truck, a panel truck. The main character describes his envy at this vehicle, how the two of them had always had this unspoken competition over cars, which one went the farthest on the least amount of cylinders and such. The closest to death but still running, the more treasured the car. The whole interaction between the two of them was so "me and Vance" back then that when I saw this thing for sale, I had to have it.

    (The 1972 paperback edition of "A Native Son of the Golden West" now goes for $199 through Amazon resellers.)

  3. Just another bizzar example of Rick and I being "twin sons of a different mother."

  4. Verdadidad, bro. Verdadidad.


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