Saturday, March 14, 2009

Summer camp, Aussie style 1957

In 1957 Rick and I had a chance to go to summer camp in Australia. It was hot as shit and no chicks for a hundred miles. I'm second from the left in the front row. Rick is first on the right of the second row. Although we had just been born, we enjoyed a challenge, and we really dug the hats. Always the joker, I wore my hat back on my head to get a good tan on my forehead. We did crafts and swimming most of the day and went on 30 mile hikes at night. I did most of the yard work while Rick typed the daily bulletin. The other guys job was to shoot Rick and I with sling-shots for no apparent reason. The camp was for seven months and as I recall, neither Rick or I ever wanted to return the following year. We did get to keep the lanyard we had made in crafts, which was nice.

1 comment:

  1. Here, here. Well spoken, Bruce. That was the other weird part at the Walamalu Summer Camp for Wayward Boys: Everyone was named Bruce.

    When we were introduced, one lads (Bruce) said, "'ere. Is your name not Bruce?"
    "No," said Vance. "It's Vance."
    "Mind if we call you Bruce to avoid any confusion?"

    Our counselor then went on to read us the rules.
    Well gentlemen, I'll just remind you of the camp rules. Rule one, no poofters. Rule two, no camper is to maltreat the Abo's in any way whatsoever, if there's anyone looking. Rule three, no poofters. Rule four, I don't want to catch anyone not drinking in their rooms after lights-out. Rule five, no poofters. Rule six, there is no rule six. Rule seven, no poofters.


Spam and rudeness will not be tolerated. We're here to have a few grins, and if you can't abide, move along. Did I mention Spam? Because if I didn't, here it is. NO SPAM!! That includes saying you like our blog and it's thought-provoking (which we know is a lie) and here's a link to your blog. Basically, if you link post a link to a for-profit site without the express written consent of me or the Big Vance-a-rino, I'll delete your comment and you'll look like an ass or I'll mock you mercilesly for being a dork.
~Peace & Love,