Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ai Dios Mio...

We've got a little Google Ad-Sense block on our page. It runs ads at random. It supposedly scans the information on your page and finds related ads. Our very first one was for Moonpies. I've also seen ads for Taos Ski Valley and a local church.

Right now it's for a "Gay-Friendly Drug Rehab" center.

What does that say about the content of this blog?

As Vance would say, "Oh, for Jesus."


  1. "Oh, for Jesus."

    And as we say in Southern Maryland, "if you're skeerd, say you're skeerd."

  2. Yeah, but youz also say "Pitcher bane seat owen. Weer goon danny ayshun."


Spam and rudeness will not be tolerated. We're here to have a few grins, and if you can't abide, move along. Did I mention Spam? Because if I didn't, here it is. NO SPAM!! That includes saying you like our blog and it's thought-provoking (which we know is a lie) and here's a link to your blog. Basically, if you link post a link to a for-profit site without the express written consent of me or the Big Vance-a-rino, I'll delete your comment and you'll look like an ass or I'll mock you mercilesly for being a dork.
~Peace & Love,