Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Celebrity Girlfriends

OK, Lynda Carter wasn't exactly one of my celebrity girlfriends, but she bears mentioning here. Note the baggy drawers she's wearing, no doubt to distract the censors from the gold embroidery accentuating her breastal region. With the lens of years here, she should be looking mighty young to me, but even now, she's a little MILFish.

I include here because this was from 1976. This is what America was like then.

1 comment:

  1. Shes wearing baggy pants cause she has on her "Depends". All super heros need them because the never eat, sleep, pee or shit while saving the world. T.V. didn't allow 'cameltoe' in those days either. If this show was on T.V. today, the pants would be spray-painted on and her nip's would be showing. At least a guy can dream about it anyway.

    "Oh Phillip, whats every mans dream?"

    "To have Wonder Woman tie them up with her golden lasso and force them to tell the truth?"

    -dialoge from "Back to school"


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