Saturday, April 11, 2009

Let my Moonpie go...

When asked to take the role of a leader, Vance stammered at first not being fully confident in his abilities. But with the aide of Rick, who's dreams told of a long journey and severe hardships, baby Vance was ready. When Vance was found along the banks of the Rio Grande in a Circle K shopping basket years ago, the woman who found him raised him to tend green chili fields in Hatch, New Mexico. Finally, in 1976, it was time for the freaks to journey into the world and find their own way. Baby Vance said, " go and take this land, for it is written." So they floundered in the world for 34 years with little manna and only wine to drink. Finally, the 'people' found a place to rest and build a life with others of like minds, different skin colors and funny looking or no hair at all. A blog of Moonpie was cast and all who view it shall be blessed for the rest of their days. This is Moonpies wish for you this Easter.

"Yeah see, where's your Moses now?"- Edward G. Robinson


  1. Jocularity, Jocularity!

    This picture brings back so many memories. Plagues of locusts and frogs, etc. Vance could get so impatient with us in those days.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Spam and rudeness will not be tolerated. We're here to have a few grins, and if you can't abide, move along. Did I mention Spam? Because if I didn't, here it is. NO SPAM!! That includes saying you like our blog and it's thought-provoking (which we know is a lie) and here's a link to your blog. Basically, if you link post a link to a for-profit site without the express written consent of me or the Big Vance-a-rino, I'll delete your comment and you'll look like an ass or I'll mock you mercilesly for being a dork.
~Peace & Love,