Sunday, January 25, 2009

What is this? #2

I think this is one of those wands that you use to clean your ceiling fan blades.


  1. It's not New Mexico skunk, too much red. Hmmm,prehaps 'twisted sister' from Simi Valley?

  2. According to "A Gallery of Medical Marijuana" ( this is "Island Sweet Skunk." From Vancouver Island, the heart of British Columbia's thriving pot industry, comes the Island Sweet Skunk, which medical users claim has a powerful "up" high.

    Cost:1 ounce: $300-400 1 pound: $3500-4200
    Source: High Times


    Marijuana Inc. Inside America's Pot Industry
    Premieres Thursday, January 22 at 9p |1a ET.

  3. Honestly, I have no clue what any of that means. I've smoked dope once in the past 21 years.

    I still remember "$10" "lids" of good clean Mexican dirt weed (back before Reagan ruined America with his paraquat plan. Friggin douche.)

  4. In 1976 a pond cost $90.00 for Mexican. My "friend" work at a jeans outlet back in the day called "The Ram" I think. I would go in and 'buy' a pair of socks. He'd go to the back and come out with my purchase and I would leave.

  5. That building is still there. The store is on the triangle at Eubank and Menaul next to where the Pizza Hut and Brian O'Brien's used to be.
    They used to give you a pen with a Ram logo when you bought jeans there. When we would get the pot there, the guy gave it to us in a sotre bag -- with a pen.


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