Thursday, April 2, 2009

Why I don't ride

I love motorcycles. As long as they aren't Harleys riding right next to me -- I'm sorry, but that "Trademark Harley Sound" hurts my ears. I understand the reason for it. Sort of. And my apologies to Harley riders everywhere.

But that's neither here nor there... (Well, technically, "everywhere" is both here and there.)....

Anyway, the above photo is from the last time I rode a motorcycle. Note to self. When escaping the Nazis on a stolen motorcycle, keep away from sharp objects and barbed wire.


  1. I know that my friend Rick always had a love of motorcycles but I never really pictured him being the full blown enthusiast. It's like the same way I felt about my brother Blane riding motorcycles, it never set well with me. Not that they didn't love the bikes, I just felt like they would get hurt somehow on those contraptions. Blane did get hurt, real bad and thankfully, Rick never did. Rick being tangled in barbed-wire is just how I would picture him ending up. At least he is wearing his favorite bow-tie!

  2. In reality, I still have a scar on my inner thigh from when, taking a corner, clutch pulled in and no brakes applied, I bounced off the side of a parked car. When I hit the car, it popped the chrome strip on the side of the car, which dug into my flesh.

  3. I did own, a honda 50 mini-trail when I was stationed up in Washington. I rode that thing all over the backwoods. I also got a ticket once, citing me for 10 violations, not the least of which was driving without a license.

    I traded that for work on the Impala I've mentioned earlier.

  4. 10 citations on a Honda 50! That has to be some kind of record. Good job Rick.


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