Saturday, April 25, 2009

Vance's First Motorcycle

At the time, Jaqueline and Tom thought buying Vance a "real live" motorcycle was a good way to help build character in the boy.

They were therefore dismayed to see the front page of the Memphs Daily Chronicle, the following morning, featuring Vance riding with this woman with large breasts and one leg, named Eileen.

Though he terrorized and murdered half of Shelby County before he was grounded to his room without dinner or television, Vance never forgot that A.) Motorcycles are fun, and B.) You meet the nicest people on a Honda.

1 comment:

  1. I've always been a fan of the big boobs, especially at age 13. Hey, what could be more exciting than ripping through Raliegh with this big boobed chick on the back and watching all my friends drool. Even moms friends at the pool were jealious. I'd come home and mom and the 'girls' would be drinking wine and they all just gave me that strange look, ya know, like I was the 'bad boy' in town. Life ain't easy when you're young and sleazy.

    I did miss dinner though.


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