Wednesday, August 12, 2009

$4.00 comics

When we weren't spending money at the doughnut shop, Rick and I did spend a lot of time at the news stand. Large stores that sold papers from around the country and the world. They had every type of magazine including the underground comics of the day. Rick was especially susceptible to their cover art. This was at least 20 odd years before Borders and the rest came along and Rick and I saw the beginning of the "information" era. It was neat and the comics were funny as hell.

1 comment:

  1. Man that brings back memories! I remember the night we smoked a bunch of hash and you and me and Ginny went to the General Store. I bought a Freak Bros. comic, and Ginny and I sat in your truck and laughed our asses off reading it. I think it was the one time her and I got along.


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